Bird nests are the perfect metaphor to represent the beginning of life. They are cradles that protect and nourish the spirits within and around us and a reminder of the fragility of life.

Clan Mother
Mixed Media: Wood, Bird’s Nest, Goddess Clay Figure, Crepe Myrtle Seeds & Prairie Cone Flower Seed Pods
11″ 13″ x 3″
Available for Sale

Hungry Birds
Mixed Media: Wood Drawer, Bird’s Nest, Rose Mallow & Iris Seed Pods
13″ x 10″ x 3″
Available for Sale

Birds Nest with False Indigo Seed Pod
Mixed Media: Wood Box, Birds Nest, Indigo Seed Pod, Black Eyed Susan Susan Seed Pods
7 1/2″ x 8″
Available for Sale

Great Mother
Mixed Media: Wood Box, Robins Nest, Goddess Clay Figure, Cone Flower Seed Pods, Vines, Leaves
10″ x 9″ x 4″
Available for Sale

Trash Nest
This is a sad commentary on how our plastic trash is everywhere.
Mixed Media: Salvaged Wood, Birds Nest, Cone Flower Seed Pods, Iris Seed Pods.
Note: Chestnut above the nest was actually imbedded in the bottom of the nest.
Available for Sale

Mixed Media: Wood, Birds Nest, Goddess Clay Figure, Iris Seed Pods, Vines
Available for Sale
NOTE: No nests were removed from the wild. All were collected from locations that necessitated their removal; downspouts, gutters, dryer vents, flower pots, or found on the ground generally after a heavy rain or wind storm.
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